Sunday, February 23, 2014

...goal setting...

Goal setting is a funny thing. I, for one, set about a million "goals" a day, but the number of those "goals" that actually come to fruition is embarrassingly small. Am I just a total loser or is there something more to this? The thing about goals if that without a clear and distinct plan for accomplishing them, they never in fact become a goal; they are stuck in dreamland. It is like making cookie batter but never baking them... or something like that... maybe more like deciding you want cookies but never buying the ingredients and then just waiting by the oven expecting chocolate chip goodness to spring forth from its gas fired loins... yeah maybe more like that.

Anyway, after having a baby I found that, while I enjoyed my time with her and couldn't imagine life without her, I mostly felt a little lost, totally overwhelmed, and wildly unmotivated. I have an adjunct faculty position teaching things I enjoy talking about, was offered an amazing opportunity to illustrate a children's book, and get to spend a lot of time with my little one and yet I didn't feel like I was getting anything done, and I was feeling paralyzed to move forward with any new projects. 

After a wonderful visit from some of the most amazing and motivating friends from warmer dryer climes (Hi Auntie Mellow and Uncle Guny;), I felt like I needed to sit down, re-center and find something small that would recharge my motivation. I don't need to do everything, or really anything deeply meaningful, I just need to do something!

So here is my very first tiny step, I am going to update this dutsy old blog at least once a week on Sundays.  I hope to be able to update you on exciting possibilities on the yoga front, tasty foods, and probably some baby stuff- haha-  Happy Sunday!