Thursday, May 19, 2011 pants are too tight...

Is that an over-share? Sorry, but they are. It has been sneaking up on me the past two months but the frozen yogurt place down the street is so delicious, and it was so fun to eat out with all our house guests, and how could I go to the gym or out to exercise when our friends were at our home????

Poooooor me!

I loved all the visits (and all the fro-yo) but now all I am left with are pants that cut off my circulation. Well... it isn't quite that bad yet but buttoning is a challenge and I feel uncomfortable. For the past two weeks I have been saying to myself, "self, we are going to get this under control. no more sugar! no more fat!! no more things that taste good!!! NO MORE!!!!"

Clearly this isn't working.

I don't appreciate being told no.

I don't appreciate having off limits tasty treats.

I may have hit my bottom this morning. Although, sometimes I think I hit bottom and low and behold it was just a short pause on an even longer drop, so we'll see.

At this moment though I am feeling energized about feeding myself healthy AND delicious eats. I have a short term goal, which is usually all I need, to get back on long term track.

Wish me luck.

Or, if you are an enabler, send me some elastic pants.

mmm.... elastic pants sound nice right now.

On the bright side, I should be posting some tasty recipes in the near future!


  1. Lucy! Chica!

    Love the blog and love to hear that you are still pursuing (teaching!) yoga AND that you talk about pretty things. (The Sartorialist is a favorite for me too...) Alas, I am not here with offers of stretchy pants. *hangs head in shame* I should just go then, right? Or maybe I should offer to mail you a cookie?


  2. mmm.... cookies. It has been just over two weeks sans sweets and my pants are loosening a bit! Thanks for checking out the b.log and I hope you are having a blast on all your adventures!
