Wednesday, October 6, 2010

...Google Reader I Love You...

For those of you with google accounts (almost everyone these days) this one's for you...

Although, now that I am thinking about it I can remember when gmail was new (to me) and how i sought out someone to invite me so I could have the coveted address.  Isn't that funny?!  I was so excited to get my new email address!  But I digress... but not too much really, because I am constantly finding new things that my google account can do.  And my friends google reader is one of those things, and.... It.  Is.  Good.

I am not a morning person, but now I cannot wait to get up, make coffee in the french press, pick out a tasty biscotti, and sign on to google to read through my favorite blogs on my home page.  This is an example screen shot of my morning computer (except those super observant folks will notice that it is actually the afternoon when I took this shot)...

I am so excited to see this screen each morning displaying my morning reading... my sincerest apologies to print media.  Also note the four day forecast...

There are blogs about clothing, design, food, politics, religion, exercise, nothing (seinfeld style), art, books, ANYTHING!  In fact many of you friends and loved ones may even have blogs that you can follow easily with this lovely gadget...

If you think this interests you, go to the top left of you igoogle page.  you will see six or so links for gmail, shopping, new, etc.  click on the 'more' link (which may be where you get to you pictures on picasa if you use that) and click on the 'reader' link... you will then see this screen...

From here it is super simple, just click "add a subscription" and enter the addressed of you favorite blogs, so exciting....  I highly recommend this and if you feel so inclined, add...

...for you weekly-ish dose of me and my own little insanity.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. agreed, dear, lucy. when i discovered reader, it, um, changed my life.
    now i have more blogs than i actually keep up with.

    might i recommend some elephant wisdom if you don't already subscribe to this one:
    i subscribe to the feed and get lots of good (and not so good) writing on yoga and related stuff.

    big hugs!

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