Monday, October 17, 2011 my lover Warby Parker...

** Forewarning, the following pictures are super cheesy and for some reason not of the highest quality; it is worth it I promise.
While watching the most celebrated TV show (in the Delaney household), CBS Sunday Morning, Sean and I were introduced to the company Warby Parker.  It is the brainchild of four (clearly awesome and painfully hip) friends who wanted to find a way to my cool eye-wear at a reasonable price.

By the way did you hear about the hipster that burned his tongue?

He ate his pizza before it was cool...

They also have a little Toms thing going called Eyewear with a purpose:

We believe that everyone has the right to see. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world today don’t have access to proper vision care. To help address this problem, Warby Parker partners with renowned non-profits, such as VisionSpring, to deliver one pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair that we sell. In doing so, we enable you to share the gift of vision with someone who can’t see today and give them the opportunity to read, to work and to live a fuller life.
We immediatly became energized by the idea of getting new glasses from them and toiled over the web-site for a while.  They had a 'virtual try-on,' where you can upload a picture of yourself and see how the glasses will look on your face but this was not enough to help me pull the trigger.  I waited a few months and checked back to see they now have a 'home try-on' program; 5 pairs, 5 days, totally free!

I was sold.  Interestingly Sean ordered two pairs the same day as I ordered my free try-on frames (great minds).  More interestingly he ordered the exact frames I currently have so that limited what I felt like I should get, I am not sure how into matching eye wear I am.  I ordered my five favorite frames and spend so time in each before I picked the winner.  Which ones would you have picked?

From top to bottom I ordered:



Wiloughby (these are the original ones I wanted, and the ones Sean got for himself)


and finally, Pierce

So anyway, the experience and customer service have been fantastic and I just sent back my trial today.  It was very easy, it came with another packing label and was in a sturdy box so I just affixed the label and dropped it at a UPS store.  I am about to put my order in, can you guess which ones I am going with??


  1. my favorite is the zaag then pierce

  2. This is cool. I"m not happy with my glasses maybe I'll try Warby. I'm guessing you got Peirce, or maybe Zagg :)

  3. I like pierce... Zagg, Willoughby, and Huxley look very similar in these pics.

  4. Hi Lucy, long time admirer, first time commenter. It seems like you have a really good thing going and I didn't want to miss an opportunity to tell you so. Keep it up.

    Kate (Hansen) Newport
