Wednesday, May 25, 2011 livin'...

I recently stumbled on a new-to-me blog (well google reader suggested it to me, my google reader knows me well and apparently can even bring me to tears, although Sean would argue that is no big feat as I cry at commercials and CBS Sunday Morning and my class as they move through sun salutations and you get the idea...) and I am just so touched I thought I would share.  I have been reading it for a few days now and have almost covered the entire thing (think daily posts dating back to about 2006).

It is an inspirational blog for sure, especially for those of us who at times feel like the fact that our partner won't put the toilet seat down or that we don't have the right shoes.  It took me out of myself as I watched a woman not unlike myself flourish (she sorta reminded me of a retro inspired Martha Stewart, which I can really get into) and then in a totally unexpected abrupt and tragic turn of events end up in a coma in a hospital bed for four (ish) months.  That was more than two years ago and she has used all the physical, mental and spiritual strength she could muster (and I imagine that she had built up over her lifetime, like a 401K plan that she had to take out a little early and put to good use) to emerge again as a woman, wife, mother and community member.

For me, reading her blog was something like an exercise in mindful eating (you know the raisin exercise where you eventually end up wondering "how have I never noticed how amazing a raisin is before now?").  I found myself walking lighter on my feet and noticing how effortlessly I could move myself up a hill and how truly AMAZING that is.  That I have this vessel that allows me to explore and interact in this world of ours and how in reality it doesn't matter what the vessel looks like but rather that we care for it and notice every once in a while how fortunate we are to have it for however long we are gifted.

This is all amazing, but we should also note that she has amazing taste, phenomenal shoes, a brightly and boldly colored home and lots of tasty vegetarian recipes to be found here at CuisineNie.  If she and I hung out we wouldn't talk politics I don't think, but we would have a blast shopping, cooking, joking, walking... yeah all those other 'ing words.

By the way, 'she' is Stephanie Nielson and she can be found blogging at NieNie Dialogues


  1. Lucy! Thinking of you. I've been really enjoying reading your blog, and doing some personal tail-wagging when I see a new Atomic Girl on my feed reader.

    I usually hate recommending blogs, since it's such a matter of personal taste and time-of-life relevance thing, but I'm doing it anyway. One of my favoritest blogs is

    Bike building. Photography. Great cooking. Heartfelt and absolutely NON-melodramatic entries about dealing with cancer. All written by a guy who loves his dog and his wife. Good stuff.

    Anyhoo, I hope we see you guys sometime soon! If not, trust that you guys come up in our conversations every so often (but reliably!). You're both such good characters that it's hard not to think of you guys.

  2. Hey Ieva! I am glad someone is reading and enjoying, I am still enjoying writing. I am fully enjoying the blog suggestion, thank you.

    We will be in State College this summer for Jeff's wedding and can't wait to see you three!
