Tuesday, September 7, 2010

OK, well what better way to start this thing off than with a personal fitness challenge. Those of you who are fortunate enough to know my husband, know that he is an insane person... Seriously when we first dated he was in the midst of training for both a marathon and a 100 mile mountain bike race. However, due to the intense schedule of new love, he wasn't actually doing any of the training. This was no issue for him though, he ran the grandfather mountain marathon and rode the wilderness 101 mountain bike race with little to no training (other than being an active insane person).

He was a hurting cowboy afterward but he completed both none the less.

So....for the past year he has focused his insaneness on his job but apparently this weekend he had a change of heart and decided he would run a train marathon NEXT month (most training schedules I see are about 16 week schedules!). What prompted this decision? He ran everyday this past labor day weekend, 4.5 miles a day with out six year old increasingly lazy beaglador (our name for our perfect little beagle/ lab mix pup, speed demon she is not).
This to me seems far fetched and crazy, but I also have no doubt that he will succeed. The catch is that he wants me to do the half marathon. While Sean thrives on physical challenge and pain, I prefer to whine about it, so this could be interesting... I am currently trying to wrangle friend and fellow blogger (and overall hot hard-body) Viva Cindy into doing it with me which shouldn't be hard, the hard part will be keeping up with her! Stay tuned!


  1. I WILL DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    how come i just found your blog because I saw that someone came to MY blog from yours?????
    anyhoo, i am now subscribed! BLOG ON AMIGA!!!!
