Tuesday, October 12, 2010

...refreshed and renewed...

I know what you are thinking... "oh that Lucy, she must have gone to a spa, lazy housewife that she is..." but no, not this time. This refreshing and renewing was aimed at a piece of furniture that I apparently coveted in my youth and my dad sent home with me to Atlanta on my last visit to Pittsburgh. I didn't remember this piece but I was more than happy to give it a good home, unfortunately Sean did not feel the same way when he met it. Patti and Laura (mother and sister-in-law) were visiting when I got home and they both liked it, Patti mentioned that it may be worth something and we should consider not fiddling with it at all as this would ruin the value. After some thought we decided that we really liked it, had no intention of trying to sell it, and wanted to paint in high-gloss-white, watch out.

This is the original piece, very pretty... I had already begun spraying two of the drawers before I remembered to take a picture!

I got a primer spray paint and used the entire can in about 4 very light coats... On a side note, if you have an ACE Hardware in your neck of the woods, GO THERE! They are so nice and helpful and remind me of what old timey hardware stores must have been like.

Aphi was working hard... as was Sean obviously....

Then on to the gloss white paint, I needed two cans of this and applied very lights coats over and over and over and over and over and over.... you get the idea.

In the end, I love it. I do think that a light sanding, especially on the top would have been a great idea, but I decided not to. This was about a seven dollar fix to spruce up a beautiful piece, Sean approves!

And again, the cutest dog in the world...


  1. Beautiful! I hope my dining chairs turn out this nice. you should submit to Sesign Sponge "Before & After". good exposure for the Atomic Girl!
