Sunday, March 30, 2014

the secret garden...

Well crap... I totally forgot about the blogging this for a couple weeks... anyway, spring is-a-coming here in Atlanta and Sean and I are starting the task of dusting off, cutting back and replanting our little garden. These pictures are from last year and I will update when we finish this year, but our patio garden is 100% what sold us when buying our townhouse. It is big and spacious with a large magnolia shading half of it and a professional landscaping job that the people who lived here before us footed the bill for. We mostly just try to tend to it and have made some small changes like planting three gardenia bushes (my dad's favorite), some dwarf mondo glass between pavers (which is the most sturdy plant I have ever met), some flowers here and there and my beloved pot garden (not the kind you may be thinking of). The pot garden always starts off looking like the photo above but by the end of our long summers looks overgrown and wild which I love. Sean and I have a similar theory of gardening which works out for us in that we never blame the other person for the death of our plants. It is survival of the fittest at casa Delaney, and once planted if the greenery can't survive mostly on its own merits and the natural rainfall there is a good chance it wasn't meant to be in our garden to begin with. So anyway, happy spring; enjoy growth, new beginnings, and a fresh start, and I hope it rains on you all enough to keep you thriving just like our little garden :)

Our gardenia that always reminds me of both my dad and my sister-in-law who wore a gardenia in here hair for her wedding.

The pot garden is getting updated this year, so stay tuned!