Wednesday, April 27, 2011

...loving vintage...

After falling in love with a new blog, the Sartorialist who posted this lovely idea, I searched out some great oldies, brought them to work and had one of the little wipper-snappers show me how to use the  newfangled scanner... I am so excited.  Here is a sampling, I am still trying to figure out what I will do with them but I will keep you updated...

This is my Ma- steering the "Aphrodite", my Aunt Munch is on the left and Aunt Kathy on the right, I believe that would be Uncle Jeff's striped back (he is most likely getting into trouble back there if the stories are all true).  This photo in particular looks timeless to me, especially with those fancy iPhone filters all the cool kids have, it could be over 30 years old... or yesterday.

Here is my handsome Pa looking especially dashing...

This is my Nanny Flossie and Pop-pop, my dad's parents on the wedding day looking stylish as ever, I really love this one.

So that's it for now, if you have any interest send some of you favorite images to the Sartorialist or even to me and let us revel in their appeal!


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