Wednesday, April 27, 2011

...Hello there remember me??...

Turns out that last bout of unemployment didn't last too long.  I have to say I really enjoyed the month off and my 30-day challenge went swimmingly which is really a good thing since we most certainly overdid the girl scout cookies this year.

In the midst of my month-o-fitness we also got a delivery of 15 boxes of deliciousness from those little temptresses in green and tan.  We made rather quick work of that and went on to buy 5 more boxes from Sean's "supplier."  I believe in my heart of hearts that the only reason I can still button most (read not all) of my pants is due directly to the 30 day challenge. 

I have my calendar of achievement to post but most exciting was the call I got in week three of unemployment from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs/Education at the Art Institute of Atlanta asking me if I would come in and chat with her about a position.  After the sea of rejection I have been swimming in this call was almost unbelievable but in I went and here I am.  It is still a temporary position and when they get the funding approved I will have to apply, but for now I am the Academic Support Coordinator.  Which sounds all fancy but really I am just....wait.... yeah... I am all fancy!  Not reallllly but one can dream right??

Ha- I am running the tutoring center doing lots of day to day and learning a lot about corporate environments, management of people and (gasp) even budgeting for a department.  Keep your fingers crossed for me to become permanent!

In other news I have not been blogging, perhaps you noticed?  I have on the other hand found a couple more blogs that I love to follow.

Two of note are...

The Sartorialist, amazing and fun street photography and,
Recovering Yogi, "a refuge for the spiritually disenfranchised"

I was inspired by the Sartorialist to scan some old family photos that I will share soon- stay tuned.

I have some fun stuff to share, recipes, visits, and home improvement so hopefully I have shaken off the cobwebs!


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