Tuesday, March 22, 2011

...it makes my heart go pitter patter...

I had a friend once that developed a personality test with his med-school nerdy friends (I type nerdy with love!). Their test involved, how do I say this... hmmm... excrement? Yeah excrement. If you HAD to eat this.... excrement... would you eat it baked, boiled or fried? It still makes me giggle and I was reminded when I did a little Facebook poll the other day about teen drama heartthrobs and peoples preferences. Could this be another personality test? What does it mean about us when we choose one character over another??

I decided a little pro-con list was in order... I am looking at (what I consider) three main characteristics as well as their enduring adorableness, all the following is anecdotal...

I am sure there are lots more heartthrobs out there and feel free to leave a comment with you favorite here but I am focusing on three, beginning with...

Officer Tom Hanson:

Ahhhh... Johnny Depp knows no limits.... He plays Officer Tom Hanson in 21 Jump Street.

Saxophone-playing bowling-loving Officer Tom Hanson, Jr. is a baby-faced cop with a bit of a sorespot over the constant teasing he gets regarding his looks from criminals and fellow cops alike. When this leads to a loss of temper after which his captain tells him he has a choice; he can get assigned to desk duty for a few years while he gets a handle on his temper and get a little older looking, or he can take part in a special secret project called Jump Street Chapel that takes young-looking cops, teaches them how to act like teens again, and places them in schools to catch perpetrators before they tun into hardened career criminals.

Hanson's not happy about the idea of participating in "fast times at Bust Your Buddy High," but he's wanted nothing more than to be a cop like his late father, and the idea of desk duty is far less appealing than than driving down to the chapel on Jump Street, and taking the assignment. By-the-book Hanson seems initially out of his element among the free-wheeling cops and captain of the Jump Street program, but his compassion for the kids he deals with on a daily basis soon distinguishes him--and gets him to break a number of regulations on more than one occasion--and he quickly becomes close friends with his fellow Jump Street cops, as well as his usual partner, Officer Doug Penhall.

Slightly edited from IMDB

Well, I am least familiar with Officer Tom, but Cathy this is for you! I am going to go with characteristics of Intelligent, Driven and Hot-tempered. Depp obviously has incredible staying power and still looks dreamy...

If you love Tom you may be a good girl with a taste for excitement. You like jazzy beats and a tough guy exteriors with well adjusted morally sound interiors. You like happy endings and clear boundaries along with immaculate bone structure!

Dylan McKay:

Luke Perry took on the role of Dylan McKay in the h-i-t show 90210 (or just 9-0 to those in the know). Dylan stole my heart with his nonchalant charm and deep meaningful stares (wink wink), not to mention his...

Enough about me, lets talk about Dylan!

"Mad, bad and dangerous to know. That was him and that's me." (about himself and his father).

Dylan's role on the show was initially that of the Anti-hero, and was often portrayed as a good person with personal demons. The character was reportedly based on James Dean's character Jim Stark in the 1955 film Rebel Without A Cause. Dylan is a true tortured, bad boy with a heart of gold.

He was a loner in high school before he developed his enduring friendship with Brandon Walsh. From these he found his first love, Brandon's sister Brenda, and they developed a meaningful relationship where they tackle numerous teen challenges, including sex, pregnancy and substance abuse just to name a few. He eventually cheats on Brenda with her best friend Kally while she is away for a summer. Dylan's life was fraught with drama including a felon father who is believed to die in a car bombing, alcohol and drug abuse and loosing the love of his life when someone makes an attempt on his life but kills her instead by mistake.

"Rule number one, the only person you can trust in this world is yourself."

Highly edited from IMDB.

I spent many an afternoon watching a 9-0 marathon and enjoying the scenery. Dylan's characteristics will be, Soulful, Protective and Rebellious. Luke is still looking good but we haven't seen him too much lately.

If you love Dylan you definitely have a rebellious streak and a love for deep and meaningful ambiguity. You love vintage style and live to melt the tough exterior of the tortured soul. You probably like the unexpected and a deep desire to heal the wounds of the world!

Jordan Catalano:

Annnd the youngest of our charmers is Jared Leto who played Jordan Catalano is the one season sensation My So Called Life...

Jordan is one of the best-remembered characters of the show. He is good-looking, popular, and rebellious, a major slacker who constantly cuts class and is on the brink of being expelled (in part because he is nearly illiterate due to dyslexia). He is Angela's main love interest, and during the series they have an on-again/off-again relationship. He reveals his emotional depth in his songwriting ability and his occasional — and seemingly accidental — profound thoughts.

Jordan Catalano can't read. He's always leaning, putting Visine in his eyes, and running his hands through his hair. Meet him under the bleachers for a cigarette or at Tino's before the Buffalo Tom concert. If you're lucky, he'll pressure you into sleeping with him in "Red", his beloved car. His band, the Frozen Embryos never took off. He showed tremendous potential, though, in his cover of "I Wanna Be Sedated".

From Wikipedia and IMDB.

Jordan was easy to love, and hate, and we all know Jared Leto has aged BEAUTIFULLY! Jordan's characteristics will be.... Misunderstood, Complicated and Wanderer.

If you love Jordan you are very drawn to pretty things. You are patient and caring and can't turn down a hesitant yet penetrating stare rather than an eloquent speech. You like rock music and style and love to live on the fringe rather than show off in the spot light.

Where do you fit? Have any suggestions??


  1. Could it be that's why I named the dog Dylan?

  2. Um, I didn't see my name on this list. Does public access not count for anything?

  3. thank god Jordan Catalano made the cut.
