Friday, September 17, 2010

Healthy soda: A Sodastream experiment.

For my birthday this year Sean bought me a Sodastream soda maker. We chose however, not to buy the soda syrups because they all contain splenda and neither of us enjoy the taste of fake sugar much.

SO... we have been enjoying nice cold sparkling water in the hot Georgia heat, perhaps with a splash of key lime juice of some lemon. Today in the midst of my weekly job hunting freak out I began to wonder if I would in fact make a healthy soda, relatively speaking of course. I understand that carbonation is not great for our dear little bellies but I love it, I have tried to give it up and my last diet coke (my beverage of choice for many years) was in August 2009 (again while in the bliss of yoga teacher training).

So on this lovely Friday afternoon I tried to juice up some little delights and mix them with the soda water. Here are my Sodastream soda maker recipes of the day.

I began with my trusty if not quiet Acme juicer (which always makes me feel a bit like the ill fated Wile E. Coyote). First I juiced up spinach, grapes and half a cucumber.

I infused the still water with two buzzes from the magnificent Sodastream.

Then experienced a spinach, grape, cucember volcano when I tried to pour it in!

I cleaned out the juicer and then juiced up blueberries and some mango (I used some frozen fruit I had on hand it it was not nearly as effective as the fresh products I used in the first batch).

This time I only fizzed the water to one buzz, and then let it sit for a minute so it could settle down its little party in a bottle, and the volcano was much more subdued.

And there it is a green soda and a pretty purple one.

As far as the taste goes, I will need to experiment some more...I think the juice has to be more concentrated, and I need to add more to the soda water... Next time I think I will do some juicing and then cook the juice down with a little agave to make it a bit thicker and sweeter... I'll let you know!


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