Thursday, September 30, 2010

...Holy Crossfit Batman...

Ok, well I challenged myself yesterday with shopping trips to Marshalls and HomeGoods and not buying anything but what I NEEDED...

No really, I did do that but then I went over to Viva Cindy's and Ernesto's casa of delicious food and bone crunching workouts.  This was my first crossfit experience and as Cindy say's "it was a doozy," at least for me!  Here is the crossfit series we did, and while viewing just imagine me sweating profusely, groaning, and wobbly legged through the entire thing. 

We begin with a 400 meter run (one lap around a track). 

Follow with 30 "wall balls" which is throwing a 12 pound ball from a squat position high on the wall...

...then catching it and moving back into a deep squat.

And then 30 box jumps, I don't know how high the box is, but suffice it to say that I stared at it for a solid minute before I decided there was no way I could jump from a still, standing position on the ground, up to the box.  Cindy made me do it once, and then said "well if you can do it once, you can do it 29 more times."  Hmmm....

It totally looks like I am going to miss in the picture!  Rest assured that I did not miss, but I did have a less than pleasant encounter with the box which I will tell you about in a moment...

Repeat this series five times and then die.  I have to admit I didn't do the last set of wall balls or box jumps because I really did think I might die after the last run...  Ernesto tried to push me like a good coach, maybe I should have listened... I really think this type of exercise would be perfect for Sean, painful and pushing you to the limit.  I would like to point out here that my arms were in a "V" for victory, I was very pleased to be done!  The runs got harder and harder as my legs got wobblier and wobblier so Cindy loaded me with some fun music- first lady gaga, then the thong song- ha!

So... I am not a bare knuckle boxer as you may be thinking, but I was so nervous that I wouldn't make it to the top of the box that I swung my arms as hard as I could and made a direct connection from knuckle to box... serious pain, my knuckles are still swollen and I can't get my ring off or bend my fingers into a fist...  But it was all OK after Ernesto and Cindy fed me super spectacular brisket taquitos with two delicious salsas, pickled red onion, lettuce, radishes, and queso fresco...  Now you're jealous!

Then on my way home I got to watch the most amazing sky, pitch black but somehow the clouds were totally lit up....ahhhh...

So crossfit is wicked hard, try it, it is a low maintenance, hard core, mentally challenging work out and this morning I am hurtin'!


  1. I must admit my legs are a bit sore too! It was great having you as a partner! the website where you can check the WOD (workout of the day) is

  2. Wow, I am impressed :) Maybe this is what I need to do to get back in shape(totally out of shape right now)

  3. and i thought my salsa aerobics class was hard core...
