Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hot as Hades Salsa of the day!

I am learning a lot about hot peppers from Viva Cindy, and today I ventured into habanero territory. Seriously, I made a large bowl of salsa with a handful of cilantro, two garlic cloves, four and a half roma tomatoes, a hatch pepper (which wasn't hot) and then one measly orange habanero that knocked my socks off!

Then I put them on a hot stove to brown three- four sides of the tomatoes and peppers.

Then just put all the ingredients into the blender and blend...

Voila! Wicked spicy salsa!

It was good, really tasty, and extremely simple but I aparently have to enter training to hang with Cindy and Ernesto!

Just before the salsa sweat lodge that I entered this afternoon I had a lunchtime yoga class with Graham of Peachtree Yoga full of hip and psoas openers.

(this is the lovely ramsey from my yoga teacher training getting opened up!)
Learned yogis sometimes talk about stress, anxiety and family of origin issues setting up house in our hips. Therefore hip openers can illicit emotional responses on the mat, or after practice. This is good because then the emotions are potentially moving out. It also, for me, requires a certain amount of svadhyaya, or self study in order to watch these emotions and experience them, but not be carried away by them as if they were my own personal tsunami.

So the wave came and tried to sweep me up, and I have been working all day to keep my feet planted and ride it out with awareness.

Here is a yoga journal article that I really enjoyed on this topic.... enjoy!


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